Monday, April 20, 2009

on perfection

there are at least two kinds of perfection.
one is technical perfection -- that is, perfection that fits perfectly with a very specific and measurable definition of perfection. the other is the opposite (what i call "perceptual perfection", one that does not fit in any technical definition of perfection yet, somehow, feels perfect anyway.
it's best to illustrate the difference through a song, "i feel pretty", from the play "west side story".
here's a technically perfect rendition of the song. click here.
and here's a "'perceptively" perfect rendition of the same song. click here.

each has its own place...

Thursday, April 09, 2009


the navies of rich western countries and even richer arab countries are having trouble with pirates off the east African coast.

what the FUCK is going on?!?

these somali bozos are illiterate bunch of morons, with IQ and equipment comparable to stone-age Neanderthals.
the navies are equipped with radar, thermal imaging, satellite navigation, and weaponry than can blow us all to kingdom come, for goodness sake.

the shipping companies and their governments should just set aside their "political correctness" and Geneva Conventions for a while and EXTERMINATE these bunch of illiterate nuisance! i'd rather have a dozen pirates BLOWN to smithereens than have my imported gasoline rise 1 cent due to the cost of the ransoms being paid.

if the western governments are such a bunch of SISSIES to be squeamish about killing people, their navies can simply sink the boat and let the pirates swim 300 kilometers to the nearest shore.

that way, they're not technically killing them. it wouldn't be their fault if these Neanderthals drown after swimming just 2 kilometers, or were eaten by sharks while pathetically treading in the Indian Ocean.

Random thoughts on politics, social issues, money, finance, sex, humor, stupidity, or just about anything, of a hatemonger, an obsessive-compulsive, and a schizophrenic forced to live in a cramped and humid apartment.